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                                                     (Ukrainian: "identity")


Today Ukraine’s national and cultural identity is on the rise.

Launched in late 2023, the TOZHSAMIST initiative aims to reflect this Ukrainian identity by amplifying the voices of diverse Ukrainians. Since early 2024, TOZHSAMIST has been registered as a Civic Society Organization focused on social cohesion and belonging among diverse Ukrainians. By documenting stories, using creativity, and co-creating, we aspire to build more sustainable and regenerative futures in Ukraine and beyond.

our principles

Human Rights 

The concept of human rights has long been recognised, but in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) established "universal human rights."

After the atrocities of WWII, the UDHR's authors acknowledged the need to formally declare that all humans deserve basic rights, such as the right to life, freedom from torture, and freedom from discrimination. However, these documents have not put an end to human rights violations and breaches of international law.


We all share the responsibility to foster a positive culture and ensure equity, inclusion, dignity, and respect for everyone. 



Tozhsamist celebrates truth and stands firmly against any form of disinformation or misinformation, which harmfully sows distrust among people.

We believe that the principles of fairness and the separation of facts from fakes are essential for everyone today to navigate the world.



Social cohesion and belonging are also crucial for fostering innovative approaches to solving the complex problems of modernity.

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